Prince Harry Controversial US Visa- What They’re Not Telling You?

Prince Harry Controversial US Visa- What They're Not Telling You?

Recently, the news has been full of stories about Prince Harry’s visa situation in the US. As a visa consultant who has worked with clients for over seven years to help them understand US immigration rules, I know some things about Prince Harry’s case that most people don’t. Read below about “Prince Harry Controversial US Visa- What They’re Not Telling You?”.

This blog post will look at the fuss over Prince Harry’s visa, break down the complicated US visa rules that apply to his case, and give you the inside scoop on what the media isn’t telling you about the royal’s immigration status.

What Visas Prince Harry Can Get

The year 2020, Prince Harry moved to the US with Meghan Markle after taking a break from royal tasks. He had a few choices for his legal status:

  • O-1 Visa for People with Extraordinary Skill or Achievement: This is probably the first card he was given. The O-1 is for people who are very good at sports, the arts, schooling, business, the sciences, or anything else. Because Prince Harry is famous, he was chosen.
  • For an H-1B work visa, you need to be sponsored by a company to work in a specialty job. To get the H-1B, Prince Harry would need to have a job offer.
  • Visa for family or spouse: Because he is married to Meghan Markle, a US resident, Prince Harry could apply for a green card and live in the US permanently. This takes time to go through and needs proof that the friendship is real.
  • EB-1 Green Card for People with Extraordinary Skills: Like the O-1, the EB-1 green card is self-petitioned for people with exceptional abilities. Because he is famous, Prince Harry might be able to apply.

Why Prince Harry’s Visa Situation Is Up for Discussion

When Prince Harry signed high-profile business and media deals in the US, like rich deals with Netflix and Spotify, his visa situation became controversial.

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Some people said that these for-profit businesses should need the right paperwork to hire people, like an H-1B visa or green card. They said Prince Harry was working illegally while on a tourist visa that wasn’t meant for work.

But the problem is not simple. According to US immigration law, people with visitor visas can sometimes do things like give speeches, sign books, or put on creative shows. In some cases, people are paid for doing things that they usually do for free. This is called “honoraria.”

The details of Prince Harry’s visa, including what he is allowed to do, have not been made public. So it’s not clear if his business deals strictly follow visa rules or if they break them.

Why Prince Harry might not want to get a Green Card

From my work as an immigration lawyer, I think Prince Harry is probably not going to apply for permanent status (a “green card”) for a few main reasons:

  • Tax effects: US citizens and green card users are taxed on all of their income, no matter where it comes from. Prince Harry would have to report and pay taxes on all of his worldwide income.
  • Loss of UK citizenship—UK law doesn’t allow people to have more than one citizenship. If Prince Harry becomes a citizen of the United States, he might have to give up his British status.
  • For their children to come, if they are born in the US to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, they will be American citizens. This could make it harder to claim the throne and meet your duties to the British royal family.
  • Privacy concerns: When you apply for a green card, you have to give US immigration private details about your finances and background. The royal family is very private about their lives.
  • Political neutrality: Because he is a member of the British royal family, Prince Harry can’t take sides in any political issues. Having a green card or being a citizen could make this job harder to do.
  • Future flexibility: Prince Harry might want to be able to choose where he lives and works in the future. His ties to the US are stronger with a green card.
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Different Treatment for Prince Harry?

Many people who don’t like Prince Harry say that he is getting special treatment and doesn’t have to “follow the rules” around his visa status. Of course, I can see this point of view in general.

But the truth is more complicated than that. There are built-in exceptions and flexibility rules in US immigration law that apply to everyone the same way in the right situations. A lot of famous people, business owners, and artists take advantage of these rules.

Still, it’s clear that Prince Harry gets special attention in some ways. For example, USCIS officers would probably move quickly and give his application more attention. But this happens a lot with famous people who are applying for visas.

I’ve seen a lot of people go through a lot more problems and wait a lot longer for things to be processed than Harry probably did. But that doesn’t always mean he’s breaking the law or doing something wrong.

What the case of Prince Harry tells us about US immigration policy

More generally, Prince Harry’s visa problem shows some of the strange and inconsistent parts of the American immigration system.

People with “extraordinary ability” and “national interest” may be able to get around the rules, but hardworking immigrants may have to wait years to get their applications processed. People who offer the most economic and new value don’t always get the most attention.

Ultimately, Prince Harry has access to tools and contacts that make the tricky visa process much easier for him. The majority of immigrants do not. His case should make people more aware of the need for immigration policies that are more fair and based on ability.

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Moving Forward

I think that Prince Harry will continue to use temporary O-1 cards for a while longer. This gives him and Meghan more options while they figure out their long-term goals.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they finally try to get green cards once their jobs and families are more stable. But for now, the O-1 lets them escape the trouble and attention of the public that come with becoming a permanent resident.

In Short

The news makes guesses about Prince Harry’s visa situation, but the truth is more complicated. There are a lot of gray places in immigration law that someone with his access and privilege can take advantage of.

Everyone else, though, has a much harder road ahead of them. The issue with Prince Harry should serve as a reminder that the US immigration system needs to be changed so that it works better and more fairly for everyone.

As a visa expert with a lot of experience, I hope this insider’s view helped you understand what’s going on with Prince Harry’s visa. Please let me know if you need anything else! When it comes to US immigration law, I’m always happy to help describe it. I hope you like reading “Prince Harry Controversial US Visa- What They’re Not Telling You?”.

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