Indian citizens seek global jobs and study amid visa challenges

Indian citizens seek global jobs and study amid visa challenges

As an Indian citizen who has worked with visas and immigration for seven years, I have seen directly how visa policies affect the hopes and dreams of many people in my country who want to work, study, or settle down abroad. Read below about “Indian citizens seek global jobs and study amid visa challenges”.

Over the past few years, barriers have grown as countries have tightened entry rules and increased scrutiny. Getting visas to popular places like the US, UK, Canada, and Australia has become very hard for Indian people in particular. Still, global possibilities are still very appealing.

This article will give you an inside look at the visa problems Indians are currently having and how they are adapting and getting around them to pursue jobs, education, and a better life abroad.

The Visa Crisis

Indians have long valued the chance to live, work, or study outside of India. Getting a degree from a foreign school or working for a well-known global company earns you respect back home. People are also interested in immigration as a way to get ahead financially, feel safe, and give their families a better future.

But visa rules have not kept up with the demand. Countries know that immigrants are valuable, but they also need to make sure that current citizens have enough protection, jobs, and resources. There are limits on the number of visas that Indians can get, even though there are a lot of suitable applicants.

This is shown by the H-1B skilled worker visa. Every year, only 85,000 are given out, but 275,000 Indians filed last year. Now, the chances of getting this visa are only 31%. The UK recently added new salary standards that make it harder for Indian workers to get visas sponsored by their employers. Canada and Australia both have strict rules about who can live there and what they can do.

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There are also problems with student visas. More and more Indian students who want to get degrees abroad in technical areas like science, technology, engineering, and math are being turned down. Five years ago, rates were only 4%, but last year they hit 24%.

Getting Around Visa Problems

Indians looking for work abroad have learned to deal with more visa rejects and red tape. You can help them deal with it in these ways:

  • Looking into other places to visit in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East: Indians look to countries in Europe and other places with easier visa rules when their first choices, like the US and UK, aren’t working out. People are becoming more interested in places like Germany, France, Ireland, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, and the UAE.
  • Going to college in the United States: Students who can’t get student passes to study abroad are going to well-known universities in their own country instead. The level of higher education in India has gotten a lot better over the last few decades.
  • First getting work experience: Young workers can improve their resumes by working at Indian companies. This will help them get foreign employer-sponsored visas in the future. They learn skills in areas that are in high demand, like healthcare, engineering, and IT.
  • Investing in and buying property abroad: Indians with more money buy property and businesses overseas as a way to get residency rights and eventually citizenship in some countries.
  • Setting up job transfers: With an intra-company transfer visa, employees of big IT outsourcing and consulting firms want to move to offices in other countries. This is helpful in two ways: it makes getting a visa easy and helps you find work abroad.
  • Getting married to a stranger: Some Indians want to live abroad so they marry a foreigner. Most countries let the partners of citizens get residency rights.
  • Putting more attention on the Gulf: Construction and other industries that need a lot of workers still depend on Indian migrant workers. The Gulf countries give Indians the most visas and are still a possibility.
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Staying Hopeful

Indians are still hopeful and driven to reach their goals, even though things are hard. Parents still want to send their kids to well-known universities abroad. Tech graduates keep looking for jobs in Silicon Valley. Through investment visas or family sponsorship, whole families hope to move to a new place forever.

Many people do find ways to succeed abroad because they are strong. In 2021 alone, more than 800,000 Indians moved to other countries to live there permanently. Their money sent back home and investments there help the economy. They also serve as success stories that encourage other people to go through the tough visa processes.

Since I know a lot about Indian immigration and visas, I tell people to be patient and persistent. Do not give up on improving your skills. Think about all of your choices in different countries. You can still reach your world goals if you keep a positive attitude, are open to change, and are determined. I hope you like reading “Indian citizens seek global jobs and study amid visa challenges”.

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